Classical Astrology

Our astrological services consist of a unique blend of classical Hellenistic, Tibetan, and Indian interpretation techniques, some of which have been in practice for well over 2,000 years.

What is Classical Astrology?

Astrology, the study of the elements, cycles of time, and the positions of celestial bodies, is one of the oldest forms of traditional science, paving the way for revolutionary developments in mathematics, astronomy, and religion. Despite its profoundly important role in the development of human knowledge, the sophistication of ancient astrology has been largely ignored in modern society. For centuries, scholars who dedicated themselves to studying the works of Valens and Ptolemy feared that their reputations would be stained by the perceived ‘lunacy’ of the system. But the tides have begun to shift in recent decades, with an increasing amount of serious scholarship in the astrological traditions of the ancient world.

Most mainstream exposure to astrology exists via newspaper horoscopes or the zodiac placemats at Chinese restaurants, so a real grounded understanding and appreciation for the field is difficult to cultivate in mainstream scientific culture. But for more than 5,000 years, many (if not most) cultures across the globe have placed a high degree of importance on the positions of astral bodies and the cyclical progressions of the elements. These observations were instrumental in bringing ancient divine archetypes into everyday life, infusing one's existence with big-picture mythos and universal psychological themes. 

The fundamental principle underlying all forms of Astrology is a profound interconnectedness between the outer world and the inner world. As the Hermetic tradition states, “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below….” This macro/microcosmic worldview is shared in both theistic and non-theistic traditions, and is in fact directly observable in the most fundamental scientific observations of our biology in relation to the cosmos, such as the universality of certain divine proportions (i.e. Phi, the Golden Ratio). A monotheistic approach to Astrology usually features a creator God that designs the universe in his/her image, with echoes of divinity from the smallest atoms to the most colossal galaxies. It was in this spirit that many European rulers, including members of British Royalty, employed court Astrologers like John Dee (mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, and adviser to Queen Elizabeth I). There are also plenty of non-theistic approaches and interpretations of astrology, which identify natural patterns that spontaneously emerge in experiential phenomena, an observable effect arising from a previous cause. Buddhist astrological traditions favors the latter explanation, understanding that astrology is essentially a method of evaluating overarching environmental dynamics and energies, and the way that they interact with one’s existing karmic trajectory. ​

Erik Jampa’s sessions are rooted in over a decade of study and practice, informed by cross-disciplinary study in traditional medicine, Buddhist philosophy, the history of science, and multiple ancient divinatory systems. All clients begin with a Natal Chart Analysis, which provides a broad overview of the native's life as well as a detailed overview of the cycles of life based on the 2nd-century Zodiacal Aphesis technique of Vettius Valens. With this approach, we will not only investigate the major influences on your life, but identify when and where they will arise most reliably. 

“Most people walk through life without understanding why they struggle with this and that, and remaining blind to the “why” often creates confusion, despair or sickness. Thanks to Erik deep knowledge of astrology, but also Tibetan medicine and Buddhism, you not only receive precious insights about the hidden mechanics of your existence, you also find a holistic way to heal. Erik is dedicating his life to his art. He is both a brilliant mind and an open heart, with great spiritual depth: a combination you will rarely find in Western medicine 😀 Thank you Erik!”

— Nathalie, France