20/01/2025 Tolkien Society Online Seminar: Translation, Cultural Ownership, and Critical Receptions of The Rings of Power Next Unseen Beings Podcast Ep. 09 | Being Mythical: Lian Brook-Tyler You Might Also Like Unseen Beings and the Ecological Crisis - University of Wales Trinity Saint David ''At Furious Speed': Tolkien, Revelation, and the Tibetan Treasure Tradition' - Tolkien Society Online Seminar 2023 Spirit Biome: a Tibetan Eco-Daemonology - Watkins Books talk The Sowa Rigpa Revolution: Tibetan Medicine, Ecology, and the Breath of Life - a talk by Erik Jampa Consulting the Golden Mirror: History of Tibetan Uromancy - February 2022 Lecture
20/01/2025 Tolkien Society Online Seminar: Translation, Cultural Ownership, and Critical Receptions of The Rings of Power Next Unseen Beings Podcast Ep. 09 | Being Mythical: Lian Brook-Tyler You Might Also Like Unseen Beings and the Ecological Crisis - University of Wales Trinity Saint David ''At Furious Speed': Tolkien, Revelation, and the Tibetan Treasure Tradition' - Tolkien Society Online Seminar 2023 Spirit Biome: a Tibetan Eco-Daemonology - Watkins Books talk The Sowa Rigpa Revolution: Tibetan Medicine, Ecology, and the Breath of Life - a talk by Erik Jampa Consulting the Golden Mirror: History of Tibetan Uromancy - February 2022 Lecture