Mentorship Sessions

Mentorship and personal tutoring sessions with Erik Jampa Andersson.

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: £75

Looking for ongoing support? Check out our monthly mentorship programme and pay £96 for your first two sessions.

These sessions are individually tailored to your individual needs and interests. If there is a specific topic that you’d like to explore, please indicate it in the booking process.

Some examples of topics we can cover include:

  • Individual sections of the Four Tantras or other medical and spiritual texts

  • Clinical support and practical pharmacology

  • Exam prep and study guide organisation

  • Advanced studies in pathology and diagnosis

  • Medical daemology and provocation in Tibetan Medicine

  • The history and development of Tibetan Buddhism and the Science of Healing

  • Practise support for Tibetan Buddhist meditation and ritual processes

  • Deconstruction support and pragmatic spirituality

  • Elementary Tibetan language

  • Classical Astrology and elemental science

  • Buddhist philosophy

  • and much more!